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Составить 6 предложений со словами was, were. для 4 класса.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. where were you did yesterday? 2. was he a library yesterday? 3. what time he was at the cinema yesterday? 4. i was a moscow last month. 5. was your mother in the meeting yesterday? 6. my father was a shop yesterday. translate. 1. где вы были вчера? 2. он был в библиотеке вчера? 3. восколько он был вчера в кино? 4. я был в москве прошлым месяцем. 5. была ваша мама на собрании вчера? 6. мой папа был в магазине вчера.

Was 1) julia was talking with her friend. - джулия разговаривала со своим другом.2) martin was taking a shower. - мартин принимал душ.3) john was in france last may. - джон был во франции прошлым маем.4) i was reading fairytales. - я читал сказки.5) my sister was doing her homework. - моя сестра делала свою работу.were1) we were surpised by news. - мы удивились новостям.2) boys were laughing. - мальчики смеялись.3) children were jumping. - дети прыгали.4) birds were tweeting. - птицы чирикали. 5) my parents were gone. - мои родители ушли.

A) president of the firm often takes foreign businessmen ofiseincere in his dreams. б) they discuss the price, terms of payment ,shipping, delivery and other business matters. в) he often travels abroad on business, where he was holding talks with foreign clients. г) the board of directors takes the most important decisions. д) finance manager anticipates economic conditions , the company's revenues, expenses and profits. е) managment- is responsible and hard work. ж) managers often delegate authority. надеюсь ,удачи : 3

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