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Переводите текст на язык только не пользуйтесь переводчиком. он не правильно переводит. заранее . моя семья небольшая состоит из двух человек: я и мама. маму зовут ольга ей 37 лет,мама парикмахер стилист а меня зовут сава мне скоро 12 лет,и я ученик 5 класса мы с мамой в выходные ходим по магазинам,иногда я хожу к папе. мы с мамой любим друг друга и ценим. у нас дружелюбная семья!

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Ответы на вопрос:

There are two  people in my small family - my mother and i. my mother's name is olga. she is 37 years old. my mother a hairdresser-stylist. my name is sava. i will be 12 years old soon and i am a fifth-year pupil. my mother  goes shopping at weekends. sometimes i visit my dad. my mother and i love and appreciate each other. our family is friendly!

My family small consists of two people: i and mother. mother is called olga her by 37 years, mother hair stylist a my name is sava to me soon 12 years, and i the pupil of the 5th class we with mother during week-end go shopping, sometimes i go to the father. we with mother love each other and very much we appreciate. we have a friendly family!

1) they had flown
2) it had snowed
3) she had swum

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