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Кданным предложениям составить общий, специальный альтернативный и разделительный вопросы: 1) she won't find a new job. 2) they will need some paper. 3) this letter was for john. 4) the tall girl is trahslating the article.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. won't she find a new job? when will(not) she  find a new job?   won't she find a new job  or a new hobby?     she  won't find a new job, will she? 2. will they need any paper? why will they need any paper?   will they need any paper or any bricks? they  will need some paper, won't they? 3. was this letter for john? where was this letter for john? was this letter for john or for mike? this letter   was  for john, wasn't it? 4. is the tall girl tra nslating the article? why is the tall girl tra nslating the article?   is the tall girl tra nslating the article or the book? the tall is girl tra nslating the article, isn't she?

She won't find a new job,will she   wont she find a new job?   wont she find a new job or new house   what wont she do? 2) they will need some paper,wont they  will they need some paper? will they need any   paper or  pen?   what will they need? 3) this letter was for john, wasn’t it  was this letter for jonh?   was this letter for jonh or for kate?   for  whom was this letter? 4) the tall girl is translating the article, isn’t she   is the tall girl translating the article   is the tall girl translating the article or reading the book? what is doing the tall girl?

"ozone" я не уверена, но возможно это правильный вариант

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