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Яучюсь по на 2 ,3 а тему понимаю ! что делать ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Сядь за стол, открой учебник. если это не подойди к родителям! или ходи на дополнительные. удачи в учёбе, если что нажми на !

Task 1.Use the verb to be in Past Simple.

1. I have a student. 2. My father has not a shop-assistant, he has a scientist. 3.Has your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she has. 4.Have they at home? - No, they have not. They have at school. 5.Have you an engineer? - Yes, I have.6.Has your friend a photographer? No, she has not a photographer, she has a student. 7.Have your brothers at school? - Yes, they have. 8.Has this her watch? - Yes, it had. 9. Max has an office-worker. 10. We have late, sorry!

Популярно: Русский язык