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Iii. find the predicates in the following sentences. define their tense forms. translate the sentences. 1. the laboratory assistant is writing down the data in the register book. 2. the water in the tube is boiling. 3. the importance of mathematics will be constantly increasing. 4. even in his childhood newton was searching out the secrets of nature. 5. the laser is finding the most extensive application in the field of communications. 6. in the process of labour man himself was constantly changing. 7. the group of scientists will be investigating this problem for some years. 8. in 1880 bessemer’s factory was producing 830,000 tons of steel a year. 9. the laboratory will be carrying on the same research in the coming two or three years. 10. the thermal fluctuations of plasma are continually changing.

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Найдите предикаты в следующих предложениях. определите их напряженные формы. переведите предложения. 1. лаборант записывает данные в книге регистра. 2. вода в трубе кипит. 3. важность будет постоянно увеличение. 4. даже в его детстве ньютон находил тайны природы. 5. лазер находит самое обширное применение в область коммуникаций. 6. в процессе самого трудового человека постоянно был изменение. 7. группа ученых будет исследовать эту проблему для некоторых годы. 8. в 1880 фабрика бессемера производила 830,000 тонн стали год. 9. лаборатория будет продолжать то же самое исследование в прибытии два или три года. 10. тепловые колебания плазмы все время изменяются.

1. The story is about Lewis Carroll.

2. No, it was not his real name.

3. People all over the world like his stories because they were written to entertain the readers.

4. The daughters of his friend Dean Liddell inspired him to write his stories.

5. His main occupation was teaching mathematics at Oxford University.

6. Except writing stories he is famous for games and puzzles that were invented by him. He also published mathematical works.


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