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Заполните пропуск i’m very tired. i very well at the moment. (not sleep) варианты ответов: a do not sleep b ’m not sleep c ’m not sleeping d have not sleeping № 12 (- выберите один вариант ответа) заполните пропуск he (break) his leg when (ski) in the alps варианты ответов: a break, was skiing b break, ski c broke, was skiing d broke, skiing № 13 (- выберите один вариант ответа) заполните пропуск i’ve enjoyed . варианты ответов: a to meet b meet c meeting d meets № 14 (- выберите один вариант ответа) заполните пропуск we (see) an accident while (wait) for the bus. варианты ответов: a see, were waiting b saw, wait c saw, was waiting d saw, were waiting № 15 (- выберите один вариант ответа) заполните пропуск he was born of october. варианты ответов: a in b with c at d on

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iam very tired. i am not sleeping at the moment. he broke his leg   when he  was skiingin the alps.i have enjoyed  meeting you. we  saw an accident while we were waiting for the bus. he was born  on  18th of october.

1that was an incredible story! 2 she plays the violin. 3 many people listen to the radio at nights. 4 what time is it? sorry, i don't have a watch. 5 mike's friend works as an electrician. 6 i love to stare at the moon all night long. 7 ben has a terrible headache. 8 please close the window. it's cold in here.

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