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Выберите и обведите правильный вариант. 1. we have discussed everything with him. i phone him today. a) mustn't c) can't b) don't have to 2. i haven't spoken to him a) already b) yet c) yesterday 3. secretaries travel. a) have to c) mustn't b) don't have to 4. yesterday he work hard. a) must b) had to c) has to 5. he had a sandwich for lunch, ? a) hadn't he b) didn't he c) did he

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1) don't have to2)yet3 )have to4 )had to5)didnt he

Instructionsbehave in russia, if you are a guest, should be on the general rules of behavior in society, which are accepted in the country. the population it is more inclined to the european way of life, tends to be similar to the inhabitants of developed countries in dress and demeanor. do not take the free style of communication and short skirt girl as a signal of its availability.in that case, if the girl you like, you should know that your attention is completely should not be taken as a compliment. so do not be offended if you were to meet importunate in their attempts. when the first time you do not understand that talking to you do not want, do not be offended and insulted her, educated person to apologize and depart, as is customary in russia.if you have lived in a closed area, in a small village or a small town where everyone knows each other, and the basis of communication is respect, having arrived in a large city, in another country is not necessary to behave with strangers defiantly. it adopted a respectful attitude towards women, the elderly, just like everywhere else. the fact that these women and older people do not know you and you do not complain about your home, not a reason to act from a position of strong lout, which only shows your weakness and fear.even the indigenous people of russia - the people of different religious beliefs, political views, with different values ​​of life. the country has long been a multi-ethnic, and all its citizens are accustomed to respect each other. features of their mentality or character appropriate to demonstrate in a circle of family and countrymen. the public should behave kindly and politely.of course, in russia there are those "masters" that can behave rudely and provocatively towards others. but you have to understand yourself, what antisocial behavior does not paint them and cause rejection. try to look around and figure out how to behave, to your national identity does not become an occasion for nationalistic statements and generalizations.

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