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Перевести стих на ! второе февраля – победа в сталинградской битве! курган, скульптура матери-отчизны, тишина… и как в немом… и чёрно-белом, старом фильме печален шаг потомков… сердце… и душа… здесь не чеканят шаг. здесь всё открыто… идут и ветераны, деды и отцы… и преклоняются к фамилиям убитых за жизнь что после… матери… сыны… звенят медали… алые гвоздики - на мрамор памяти от всех живых! и , извечное простите… на склоне… в храме всех святых… минута длится… в слёзы верить… и жизнь, как покаяние – длинна! а подвиг ваш… конечно не измерить… всё потому… что родина… одна!

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The second of february - victory in the battle of stalingrad! barrow, a sculpture of mother motherland, silence in silent and black and white, old filmsad offspring step heart and soul it is not a measured pace. here, everything is open and veterans, fathers and grandfathers bow to the name of deadfor life after mother sons ringing medals scarlet carnation -in memory of marble from all alive! and russian, eternal sorry the slope to the church of all saints last minute to believe in tears life as penance - long! and your feat of course not be measured that's because that homeland one!

Camels live in deserts, where the whole earth is covered with sand. the question appears by itself: what to eat camel? of course, in deserts, in addition to sand, in winter there is snow, and in the early spring, after the snow melts, remains humidity, which grow, though briefly, many small herbs and flowers.                                             when summer comes, the moisture evaporates, and all that spring rose, dries up. but some of the water still manages to seep deep into the soil, where accumulated groundwater. the roots of large trees, such as saxaul, sandy acacia reach the groundwater, so they have the opportunity not to wither. in deserts there are such places where there are a big bunch of these trees. here is what feeds the camel in the desert. finding such thickets, he happily begins to chew on the branches of these trees. but there is one problem: the food sometimes goes just before you eat, camels sometimes have to work hard to reach his food. and yet among these branches camel fed will not. on saxaul leaves virtually no, i eat only green twigs, and acacia leaves very fine, and besides, still very hard. the main delicacy camel in the desert, besides the above mentioned trees and shrubs, there is grass, which is called "camel's thorn". it grows not very high, approximately not more than one meter, but there is a very big plus: it is very densely branched. on a camel thorn grow leaves that have a bright green color and round shape, the leaves are very succulent taste and prickly branches, and that is precisely what justifies the name of the plant. camel thorn provides the water due to the fact that she has huge roots, sometimes they can be longer than five meters. roots freely reach the groundwater, so the foliage camel thorn has such a bright color even in the hot summer. but on this succulent plant in the wilderness can be competition, because not only a camel, and gazelles, and antelopes, donkeys, and horses, and ground squirrels can eat. camel thorn of the legume family. in the spring, after its stems grow, they grow small pink flowers, and in autumn of the flowers emerge beans, contains seeds, which are dispersed in winter and early spring. after the appearance of moisture the seeds begin to take root. if, as the ground is saturated with moisture, the root is not managed well grow, camel thorn dies in the first year of life, but those seedlings that have time to let long roots, many more years of happy camels succulent leaves. that's what eats camel in the desert. i would like to remind you that this is the main food that they eat camels in the desert, and that for them this food is enough for life. i hope this article has answered your question regarding what eats camel in the desert.     

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