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Выписать слова past simple. present simple. future simple . the smart little bird there was a little smart bird in a thee. a big grey cat came to the thee. he saw the little bird and wanted to eat her. "i'll have the bird for my breakfast, "thought the cat. "good morning, miss bird," said the cat. "good morning, mr cat," said the bird. "good news! " said the cat. "what news? " asked the bird. the cat said, "very good news, my little bird! all animals are friends now! we are friends: all cats, doga and birds. come to me! i want to speak to you." but the little bird was very smart. "of course, you are my friend. but i see many dogs and they are on their way to tris thee." "oh, dogs! i must go home! " said the cat. "oh, why, my dear friend? the dogs are our friends, too," said the bird. " i think, they don't know the news," said the cat and ran away.

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  was , came , saw , wanted ,  said ,said,  ,said ,ran away.-past simple wll have future simple  ,said, said  ,  asked,  said,- past simple   are , are ,come , want present simple ,  are , see ,are ,must go,  are ,think,don't know    present simple

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