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Переведите.last sunday we visited the flower- show in one of our famous parks. there were a lot of unique and rare flowers there.we have lunch at 3 o' clock on sunday. after dinner we read newspapers and magazines and play chess. my mother plays the piano. we often go to see our friends or relatives on this day. some weeks ago,on sunday my friend and i went to the art exhibition of the famous artist ilya glazunov. his pistures were wonderful.

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Вминувшее воскресенье мы посетили цветочное шоу в одном из наших знаменитых парков. были много уникальных и редких цветов здесь.мы пообедали в   3 часа в воскресенье. после обеда мы читаем газеты и журналы и играть в шахматы. моя мать играет на фортепиано. мы часто идут, чтобы увидеть наших друзей или родственников в этот день. несколько недель назад, в воскресенье мой друг, и я пошел на выставку работ знаменитого художника ильи глазунова. его картины были замечательны.

1)where does it situate? 2)what is the capital of this country? 3)how many population does it have? 4)who is the president of this country? 5)when does this country celebrate independ day? 6)what do you know about education of this country? 7)what do you know about government of this country? 8)does it have strange traditions? 9)what kind of climate is here? 10)is it modern country?

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