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Перевести на . мой отец и его дочь хотят уехать завтра не выходи из кухни через эту дверь в понедельник они ездили к их сыну

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My dad and his daughter want to leave tomorrow don't go out the kitchen through this door they went to their son on monday

1. i hope they will be able to get over all the difficulties. 2. unfortunately she does not get along with her step brother. 3. get away! don't make a noise! 4. it is noon. get down the work as soon as possible. 5. get on a bus here and get off at the second bus stop. 6. tomorrow we will go fishing, so i will have to get up at 6 o'clock. 7. stop! you won't get away! 8. how are you getting on with the concert? is everything ready? 9. get into the car quickly. we are leaving! 10. what bus stop do you usually get off?

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