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Complete the sentences whit the verd in correct form. 1. you always my brithday.(forget) 2. she always to me.(listen) 3. they usually coffee after their evening meal.(drink) 4. i to work when the weather's cold.(drive) 5. my parents usually to our house in sundays.(come) 6. they two languages at school.(learm) 7. the village shop at 8 o'clock in the morning.(open) 8. we her a diary every year.(give) 9. he often with his brother.(fight) 10. you never me with my homework.(help) 11. big dogs a lot of exercise.(like) 12. he arabic.(understand) 13. lessons at 9 o'clock every morning.(start)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. you always   forget    my brithday. 2. she always   listens    to me. 3. they usually drink  coffee after their evening meal. 4. i drive  to work when the weather's cold. 5. my parents usually come  to our house in sundays. 6. they learn  two languages at school. 7. the village shop   opens  at 8 o'clock in the morning. 8. we give  her a diary every year. 9. he often fights  with his brother. 10. you never help  me with my homework. 11. big dogs like  a lot of exercise. 12. he   understands    arabic. 13. lessons start  at 9 o'clock every morning.

For regular verbs we add -d or -ed. For irregular verbs all the endings are different


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