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Никак не могу буду ! определите функцию слов с окончаниями –ed и –ing 1. the case decided appeared complicated. решенный случай оказался сложным. 2. the judge decided the case by hearing the testimonies presented by the witnesses. судья вынес решение по делу, услышав доказательства, представленные свидетелями. 3. the case has just been decided in favour of the plaintiff. случай был решен в пользу истца. 4. though decided, the case was passed to a higher court for a judicial review on the ground of being inconsistent with the constitution. хотя решение принято, дело было передано в суд более высокой инстанции для судебного рассмотрения на основании того, что оно не совместимо с конституцией. 5. the case will be decided after the evidence is presented by all the witnesses. по делу вынесут решение после того, как будут предоставлены доказательства всеми свидетелями. 6. the judge was just deciding the case when the trial was interrupted by a sudden intrusion of masked criminals. судья выносил решение, когда судебный процесс был прерван внезапным вторжением преступников в маске. 7. deciding the case is necessary for resolving the dispute between the plaintiff and the defendant involved in it out of court. выносить решение по делу необходимо для решения спора между истцом и ответчиком, участвующих в нем во внесудебном порядке. 8. deciding the case it is necessary to take into consideration all the facts submitted by the lawyer and all the evidence presented by the witnesses. вынося решение по делу необходимо учесть все факты, представленные адвокатом и все доказательства, представленные свидетелями. 9. judges are government officials deciding the cases brought before courts. судьи - государственные чиновники, выносящие решение по делам, решаемых в судах. 10. on deciding the case the judge awarded the damages to the plaintiff for compensating him for the injuries inflicted on him by the defendant. на рассмотрении данного дела судья присудил убытки истца в компенсацию ему телесных повреждений, нанесенных ему со стороны ответчика.

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Тут где-то разные времена ( длительные и обычные), а некоторые слова - причастия, герундий и т.д. the judge decided (глагол в past simple)  the case by heariing( причастие - услышав)  the testimonies presented by the witnesses.

The painting by the english artist alma-tadema sir lawrence devoted - heliogabulus who fell asleep on his feast guests with flowers, and those suffocated by their scents. alma-tadema sir lawrence (1836-1912) - british artist, author of 408 paintings, mainly dedicated to antiquity. alma-tadema was born in the netherlands, studied at the royal academy in antwerp. for the first time painted with the ancient story in 1858. he carefully studied and sketched the museum exhibits in the british museum and the louvre. he carefully studied the artifacts of the roman empire in the museums of italy, in particular, in pompeii. the plot "roses of heliogabalus," taken from the "author of biographies of august" - roman historiographical literary monument. according to legend, heliogabalus - the twenty-third roman emperor - at one of their feasts guests sleep with so many flowers that they suffocated from the flavor. the first thing that catches your eye - pink mass, which are viewed someone's head and body. then look goes to a company that is located on the couches around the table on an elevated and watching what is happening: someone with curiosity, some with indifference who maliciously. the visual picture frame - the column on the left and the right, in the background - a blue sky and the silhouette of the mountains. on the left is an incense burner, followed by playing flutist. closer to the viewer can see the cloth tent, from which fell out onto the pitch. they were so many that they almost closed those at the bottom. who are these people? it is difficult to determine where and who is on the canvas. he comes to the aid response, written by frederic farrar - contemporary alma-tadema, theologian, writer, chaplain at queen victoria's court. heliogabalus lived a short life, from 203 to 222 ad he was only fourteen years old when he became emperor, and his throne erected maes - maternal grandmother. during his reign he had to change five wives, and at the same time destroy the roman religious traditions and sexual taboos cancel. his adventures and anger provoked general dislike, in the end he was overthrown.

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