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Rewrite the sentences. using *might* and beginning with with the word in italics. 1. i wish he would be a little more factful! 2. i think perhaps you should ask him if it is convenient before you call on him/ 3. perhaps you would pass this letter for me while you’re out shopping. 4. i’m annoyed that you didn’t warn me that the car was nearly out of petrol. 5. i think you should at least have apologized for what you said. 6. i’m angry about the fact he didn’t try to look at the problem from my point of view. 7. i’m annoyed that she doesn’t keep her room tidy.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.he might be  a little more factful! 2.you might    ask him if it is convenient before you call on him 3.you might  pass this letter for me while you’re out shopping. 4.you might have warned me    that the car was nearly out of petrol. 5.you might  at least have apologized for what you said. 6.he might have tried    to look at the problem from my point of view. 7.she might keep her room tidy.

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