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Напишите, , как этот текст произносится на (нужно произношение, а не перевод! ) . нужно , к зачёту. читаю плохо. my favourite fiction genre is historical. most of all i like to read books related to the history of russia. one of the books i've read recently is the "history of the russian state. from its origins to the mongol invasion" by boris akunin. i read the first volume, which refers to the origin of the russian statehood. in this book, the author pays more attention to political history: the creation of the state, the relationship between the government and the people management practices. in his book, historian says only the true facts, without superfluous details. the book helps readers understand and imagine what life was like for our ancestors.

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[май] [ˈфейвэрит] [ˈфикшэн] [жанрр] [из] [хисˈторикэл].  [моуст] [ов] [ол] [ай] [лайк] [ту] [рид] [букс] [риˈлейтид] [ту] [зэ] [ˈхистэри] [ов] [ˈрашэ].  [уан] [ов] [зэ] [букс] [айв] [рид] [ˈриснтли] [из] [зи]  "[ˈхистэри] [ов] [зэ] [ˈрашэн] [стейт].  [фром] [итс] [ˈориджинз] [ту] [зэ] [ˈмонгол] [инˈвейжэн]"  [бай] [ˈборис акунин]  .  [ай] [рид] [зэ] [фёст] [ˈвольюм],  [уич] [риˈфёз] [ту] [зи] [ˈориджин] [ов] [зэ] [ˈрашэн] [ˈстейтхуд].  [ин] [зис] [бук],  [зи] [ˈосэ] [пейз] [мор] [эˈтеншэн] [ту] [пэˈлитикэл] [ˈхистэри]:   [зэ] [криˈейшэн] [ов] [зэ] [стейт],  [зэ] [риˈлейшэншип] [биˈтуин] [зэ] [ˈгавнмэнт] [энд] [зэ] [ˈпипл] [ˈмэниджмэнт] [ˈпрэктисиз].  [ин] [хиз] [бук],  [хисˈториэн] [сез] [ˈоунли] [зэ] [тру] [фэктс],  [уиˈзaут] [сьюˈпёфлуэс] [ˈдитейлз].  [зэ] [бук] [хелпс] [ˈридэз] [ˌандэˈстэнд] [энд] [иˈмэджин] [уот] [лайф] [уоз] [лайк] [фор] [ˈaуэр] [ˈэнсистэз]. 

That word is meet.

According to the rule of first conditional type of sentences, the verb form in the clause part of the sentense is always V1 – a Present Simple one.

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