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Описать классическую и народную музыку, музыку 80-90 (queen, nirvana) и современную музыку. выделить преимущества каждого из этих видов музыки. (5-6 предложений по каждому виду)

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Ответы на вопрос:

rock music (english rock music) - general name for a number of areas of popular music. the word «rock» - (in english the "rock, rock, rock out") - in this case points to the characteristic of these areas rhythmic sensations associated with some form of movement, similar to «roll», «twist», «swing »,« shake », etc. these characteristics of rock music, as the use of musical instrument, creative self-sufficiency (for rock musicians characteristic performance of his own compositions) are secondary and often misleading. for this reason, is for some styles of music to rock contested.

Everybody in out live have got a lot of problems and what to do everyday. maybe you go to school or work in a big company. but we all have got the same needs. for example-we all need something to eat. but we haven't got a lot of time to go to the restorount. mcdonald's are vary popular among teenagers, because they haven't got a lot of pocket money, and a very big part of them like fast food. i think, mcdonald's will be batter, if there will be drinks in the public for all visitors. and it is a very god idea to put a napkin on every table. and in russian federation we have got a big problem with wc. they have to be bigger and cleaner. and about some differents in menu. a lot of people in our world become vegetarian and they can't it the same food, that eat standard people, so it will be vary good to have new special food

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