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8.1 прочтите и переведите на язык поставьте к каждому предложению разделительный вопрос she is a student. — is she a student? — yes, she is. / no, she isn't. 2. he speaks english well. — does he speak english well? — yes, he does. / no, he doesn't. 3. they have many books. — have they many books? — yes, they have. / no, they haven't. 4. the weather was fine yesterday. — was the weather fine yesterday? — yes, it was. / no, it wasn't. 5. we saw a new film yesterday. — did we see a new film yesterday? — yes, we did. / no, we didn't. 6. you can read well. — can you read well? — yes, you can. / no, you can't. 7. there will be five lessons tomorrow. — will there be five lessons tomorrow? —yes, there will. / no, there will not (won't).

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Ответы на вопрос:

She is a student, isn't she? - она студентка, не так ли? he speaks english well, doesn't he? - он хорошо разговаривает по-, не правда ли? they have many books, haven't they? - у них много книг, не так ли? the weather was fine yesterday, wasn't it? - вчера была хорошая погода, не правда ли?   we saw a new film yesterday, didn't we? - вчера мы посмотрели новый  фильм, не так ли? you can read well, can't you? - ты можешь хорошо читать, не так ли? there will be five lessons tomorrow, won't there? - завтра будет пять уроков, не правда ли?

Нужно те слова вставить по смыслу  

determined -полный решимости

curious - любопытный

daring - отважный, дерзкий

patient -терпеливый

athletic  - атлетический

imaginative - художественный, творческий

1. currious






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