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Нужно вставить в местах пропуска неопределённые местоимения some, any, no и их производные (something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere). 1. for thousand of years people knew almost about thunderstorms, but they had information about the dangers that thunderstorms caused. 2. the student can find his report , he left it on his way to the university. 3. of these books are rather good, bou i don't like of the stories in them. 4. there is not in the classroom: all the students are at the conference now. 5. the question was so difficult that could answer it or even suggest variants. 6. - is your laboratory equipped with reliable instrument? - we have instruments at all.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. for thousands of years people knew almost nothing about thunderstorms, but they had some information about the dangers that thunderstorms caused. 2. the student can find his report nowhere, he left it somewhere on his way to the university. 3. some of these books are rather good, but i don't like some of the stories in them. 4. there is not anybody in the classroom: all the students are at the conference now. 5. the question was so difficult that nobody could answer it or even suggest any variants. 6. - is your laboratory equipped with any reliable instrument? - we have no instruments at all.

A. Playground, hide&seek, slide, swing, theme parks

B. Relaxing, clubbing, discos, pubs, billiards, darts, night out

C. Sporting facilities, stamp collection, model planes, jigsaw puzzles, board games, chess

D. Hi, my name is ……During all my life sport wasn’t my desirable thing. But 5 years ago I made a decision to include sport in my life. I started with soft kinds of sport like Pilates, and now I’m an excellent sportsman! Most of my free time I like to train, I got many new friends from my sport classes. And now we spend our free time together, walking in the parks, visiting spas, chatting our sports awards!

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