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1. underline the correct word. somebody/anybody broke into our house last night. i had any/no time to go to the post office today. are you going nowhere/anywhere nice for your holidays? there was no anyone/one left at the party by two o’clock. nobody/somebody is allowed to park in front of this building. have i done something/nothing to offend you? if no one/anyone is looking for me, tell them i’ve gone home. it will take you any/some time to get used to such a hot climate. 2. fill in the necessary pronouns. they live in the country. house isn't big, but is comfortable. give me photo and i'll give you we invited liz to stay with .. in house. she is mad about car, spends hours washing peter likes to eat, so breakfast is always big.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. underline the correct word.somebody broke into our house last night. i had no time to go to the post office today. are you going anywhere nice for your holidays? there was no one left at the party by two o’clock.nobody is allowed to park in front of this building. have i done nothing to offend you? if anyone is looking for me, tell them i’ve gone home. it will take you some time to get used to such a hot climate.2. fill in the necessary pronouns.they live in the country. their house isn't big, but it is comfortable. give me your photo and i'll give you mine. we invited liz to stay with us in our house. she is mad about her car; she spends hours washing it. peter likes to eat, so his breakfast is always big.

Меня зовут Кевин. Мне почти шестнадцать лет, и я увлекаюсь путешествиями. Я еще был не во многих местах, но я читал и смотрел много телепрограмм о путешествиях в экзотические страны. Недавно, я читал о России и мне кажется, что это фантастическое место! И моя сестра Кейт (её четырнадцать) и я собираемся поехать в Россию на ближайших каникулах и насладиться пребыванием там. Я буду очень признателен, если вы дадите мне несколько советов о местах, которые стоит посетить.

Некоторые сведения о себе:

Я спортивный человек, хорошо плаваю, езжу на велосипеде и занимаюсь верховой ездой

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