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Напишите на фразу ( во время второй перемены они кушали бананы и шоколад пили апельсиновый сок) - ( первый урок был подобран) -(у моих учеников был вторым уроком( - (во время третьего урока мои ученики пели красивые песни и рисовали рисунки) - (там разговаривали на копируя новые слова спрашивали и отвечали на вопросы) - (мои ученики имели хорошее время в школе)

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Ответы на вопрос:

During the second change they ate bananas and chocolate drinking orange juice.  the first lesson was selected.  do my students english was a second lesson. during the third lesson my students sang beautiful songs and draw pictures .there were talking in english copying new words asked and answered voprosy.moi students had a good time at school.

hi there! thanks for your letter, i was glad to finally hear from you. how have you been?

speaking of sports, i do like such sports as swimming, running and i also love playing volleyball because it not only helps me to keep fit but also improves such skill as working in a team. i don't really like extreme sports because i don't feel like taking risks although i heard extreme sports help you build character. 

besides sports i like photography. my specialty is taking pictures of animals. it's really fascinating as i get to watch animals' behaviour and make great photos of them at the same time!

my parents never pay me to do house work. maybe it is the reason why i rarely do it.

anyway, i have to go now because i've got to revise for a test!

write back soon.



Популярно: Английский язык