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Выберите эквивалент подчеркнутого модального глагола. укажите букву. 1. он может закончить работу вовремя. a) could finish b) can finish с) will be able to finish 2. он мог плавать хорошо в прошлом году. a) can swim b) will be able to swim c) could swim 3. он сможет открыть свой бизнес. a) will be able to open b) could open c) can open 4. она должна посоветоваться с доктором. a) had to consult b) must consult c) will be able to consult 5. она должна была приехать завтра. a) must arrive b) will have to arrive c) was to arrive 6. она должна будет навестить их. a) will have to visit b) is to visit c) was to visit 7.можно мне подождать здесь? b) can i wait b) may i wait c) might i wait 8.им можно было остаться здесь. c) may stay b) might stay c) could stay

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. b) can finish 2. c) could swim 3. a) will be able to open 4. b) must consult 5. c) was to arrive 6. a) will have to visit 7. b) may i wait 8. b) might stay

1) you are cooking lunch,aren't you? 2) i am cooking dinner at the moment 3) look! someone is crossing the street 4) i write letters to him sometimes 5) what is he writing? 6) i get up,then i do my exercises and cook breakfast 7) crocodiles and snakes are belong to the reptiles 8) do you go there on sundays or on wednesdays?

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