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Нужно , поставить дієслово у правильну форму пасивного стану. 1.money (keep) in a bank. 2.can i help you to translate this article? – thank you. it (translate) . 3.the teacher said that our dictations (check) . 4.the bridge (destroy) before we came. 5.neither jim nor jack (invite) there. 6.he (ask) many questions at the last lecture. 7.the house (paint) before she returned. 8.this book must (read) by every student. 9.when i came home, the sweets (eat). 10.a new concert-hall (build) in our street now.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. is kept 2. is translated 3. were checked 4. was destroyed 5. were invited 6. was asked 7. was painted 8. be read 9. were eaten 10 was built.

1. I will not go to school next week.

2. When will you finish school?

3. Next spring they will buy a house.

4. I will go to university in 5 years.

5. We will have a baby soon.

6. Will it be sunny tomorrow?

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