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Нужен перевод,не переводчика! а: извините,как пройти из аптеки в супермаркет? в: идите по берри стрит,потом поверните на лево. а: можете сказать по подробней? в: идете по берри стрит,когда увидите рексторан фаст фуда,поверните на лево,и выйдите на елдон роуд,идите по этой улице пока не увидите арт галерею,рядом с ней будет алма стрит,там вы увидите супермаркет,рядом с супермаркетом будет кафе,вы не ошибетесь. а: большое! до свидания. в: не за что! хорошего вам дня!

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A: sorry,how to get from the pharmacy to the supermarket? in: come on berry street,then turn left. a: can you say more? q: go on berry street,when you see restoran fast food,turn left and follow to t. j. yeldon road,go along this street until you see the art gallery,next to her alma street,there you will see a supermarket,next to a supermarket cafe,you can't go wrong. a: thank you very much! goodbye. in: not at all! have a good day!

These men are engineers. those women are my sisters. these children are my sons. those gooses are big. these mouses are white. these men are my brother. they are doctors. those women are my cousins. they are teachers. these boys have good coats. those girls have blue sweaters. my uncles have large flats. there are tables in the room. we have good pens. our pens are in our pockets. there are flowers in the vase. these children's feet are sore

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