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Вставить правильный ответ: did you go last summer? варианты ответа: a)whenb)wherec)howd)why your brother? -a student варианты ответа a)what b)who c)where d)who old is your dad? варианты ответа a)why b)when c)how d)how much friends do you have? варианты ответa: a)how much b)how long c)how d)how many bread do we have at home? варианты ответа: a)how much b)how many c)how d)how long 6)where are you going alice? -i am going school. варианты ответа : a)at b)to c)on d)off 7)yesterday i was home the whole day.варианты ответа: a) at b)on c)to d)-

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)b 2)c 3)a 4)d 5)a 6)a 7)a

1) where 2)who 3)how 4)how many 5)how much 6) to (не уверен, может at быть) 7)at

1. By eight o’clock yesterday I had finished my work and at eight I was playing the piano.

2. By six o’clock father had come home and at six he was having dinner.

3. By nine o’clock yesterday grandmother had washed the dishes and at nine she was watching TV.

4. When I met Tom, he was eating an ice-cream which he had bought at the corner of the street.

5. When father came home, we were cooking the mushrooms which we had gathered in the wood.

6. When I saw Ann, she was looking at the flowers which she had picked in the field.

7. When I came home yesterday, I saw that my little brother had broken my pen and was playing with its pieces.

8. When I opened the door of the classroom, I saw that the teacher had already come and a student was writing a test.

9. When I came home my sister was reading a book which she had brought from the library.

10. When mother came home, the children were eating the soup which she had cooked in the morning.

11. When I rang up Mike, he was still learning the poem which he had begun learning at school.

12. When I looked out of the window, the children were playing with a ball which Pete had brought from home.

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