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Перевести в past perfect. 1. я поужинал до девяти часов. 2. он не выучил стихотворение до вечера. 3. они развели костёр до заката солнца. 4. дежурный вытер доску до прихода учителя. 5. я не перевёл статью до вечера.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i had had dinner before nine o'clock. 2. he had not learned the poem by the evening. 3. they had built a fire before sunset. 4. the pupil on duty had wiped the board before the teacher came in. 5. i had not translated the article before the evening.

1what time does the plane take off? 2have been married

Популярно: Английский язык