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1.make two passive constructions from one active one. 1.the librarian gave us an application form. 2.they paid him some money for helping. 3.mike told us an interesting story. 4. the petrovs showed them a new theatre . 5.the library sent me an e-mail.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.an application form was given to us by the librarian. 2 some money was paid to him by them for helping. 3.an interesting story was told to us by mike. 4. a new theatre was shown to them by the petrov's. 5. an e-mail was sent to me (from the library). 1. we were given an application form. 2.he was paid some money for helping. 3.we were told an interesting story. 4. they were shown a new theatre . 5.i was sent an e-mail.

1. у нас есть полицейские, судьи и другие люди, которые видят, что законы .2. судья приговаривает людей.3. я купил последнее издание сегодняшней газеты и прочитал об этих самых ужасных преступлениях.4. неумышленное убийство - это тот, кто случайно убивает кого-то.

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