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Ради 1. образуйте и запишите форму множественного числа следующих существительных fingerprint. policewoman. life. offender. penalty. father-in-law. datum 2. перепишите предложения, выбрав правильную форму глагола a. you hair is/are so shiny b. my luggage is/are very difficult c. this company has/have six brunches d. water is/are necessary for our survival e. $300 is/are too much to spend on that dress f. the weather were/was terrible yesterday g. physics are/is my favourite subject h. my favourite pyjamas is/are the ones with red and white stripes

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. fingerprints, policewomen, lives, offenders, penalties, fathers-in-law, data 2.a.is b. is c. has d. is e. is f. was g. is h. is

1) i’m a big fan of football and rugby 2) i’m crazy about computer games 3) i do swimming and bit of windsurfing 4) my hobbies are listening to music and dancing

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