1. do you know that … tomato is a berry not a vegetable. a) a b) an c) the d)- 2. i have pet. it is … kitten. … kitten is so lovely! a) a; a; the b) a; a; a c) the; the; the d) the; a; the 3. when will we go … home? a) a b) an c) the d) – 4. i live in … street which is … oldest in our town. a) the; a b) the; the c) a; a d) a; the 5. … pacific ocean is … biggest on … earth. a) a; a; the b) a; a; a c) the; the; the d) the; a; the 6. which river is longer - … volga or … nile? a) -; - b) the; the c) a; a d) a; the 7. the don often …“father don”. a) is called b) called c) calling d) was calling 8. whom … this composition by? a) written b) is writing c) was written d) wrote 9. the work … next week. a) is done b) will be doing c) will be done d) will do 10. this coat … much. a) isn’t wearing b) isn’t worn c) hasn’t worn d) doesn’t wear 11. the ground … with snow in winter. a) will cover b) will be covering c) is covered d) will covered 12. there are … state languages in canada. a) two b) one c) three d) four 13. the capital of canada is … a) quebec b) washington c) montreal d) ottawa 14. lake baikal is the … lake on the earth. a) widest b) coldest c) deepest d) warmest 15. england is one of the … parts of the united kingdom. a) two b) three c) four d) five

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1d, 2a,3d, 4d, 5c, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9c, 10b, 11c, 12a, 13d, 14c, 15c

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