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Переделайте предложения из активного залога в пассивный. 1) they are singing an irish song. 2) people see this show every say. 3) all they finish the project at the end of the month? 4) they closed 50 factories last year. 5) she bought a new dress yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) they are singing an irish song.   -    an irish song is being sung by them.

2) people see this show every say. - thiis show is seen by people every day.

3) all they finish the project at the end of the month? the project is finished by them  at the end of the month.

4) they closed 50 factories last year. -  50 factories were closed by them last year.

5) she bought a new dress yesterday. a  new dress was  bought by her  yesterday.

1) an irich song is being   sung by them.

2) this show is seen every day by people.

3)the project is finished at the end of the month by all.

4) 50 factories were closed last year by them.

5) a new dress was bought yesterday by her.

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