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Описать картинку по плану. план: 1.when you took the photo. 2.what/who is in the photo. 3.what is happening. 4.why you took the photo. 5.why you dicided to show the photo you friend.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i took this photo last summer.  2. there are my siblings  on the photo. 3. they are laughing and  swimming in the pool. 4. i took this photo because i thought that it was a wonderful moment. my siblings were happy. 5. i decided to show this photo to my friend because he (or she) asked me about my siblings.

1 learns

2 like

3 is

4 does

5 lives

6 goes

7 visit

8 sings

9 works

10 have

11 eants

12 comes

13 goes


15 take

Популярно: Английский язык