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Переведите на язык без переводчика ••••• жил-был принц, и захотелось ему жениться на принцессе, но только самой настоящей принцессе. он объездил весь свет, чтобы найти себе невесту, да так и не нашел. принцесс-то было сколько угодно, да были ли они настоящие? так и вернулся принц домой ни с чем и загоревал - уж ему хотелось достать настоящую принцессу. раз вечером разыгралась непогода: молнии так и сверкали, гром гремел, а дождь лил как из ведра; ужас что такое! вдруг кто-то постучался в городские ворота, и старый король пошел отворять

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There once was a prince, and he wanted to marry a princess, but only a true princess. he has traveled the world to find a bride, but never found. the princesses had as much as you want, yes they were real? and returned the prince home with nothing and have zagorova it, because he wanted to get a real princess. the evening played out the storm: the lightning was flashing, the thunder roared and the rain poured in torrents; the horror of what is! suddenly somebody knocked at the town gate, and the old king went to open

Weather in great britan. the weather in england in the winter is pretty rainy. in general, the winter is a long series of cold and rainy days, the average temperature is maintained at + 8-10 ° c. snow falls very rarely and usually only for a day or two. in scotland, the weather is much colder, in the mountains lies the snow. by the end of january, the weather in the uk is changing, in february it becomes sunny, by mid-february spring flowers blossom. spring comes early. the days at this time are still short, and the nights are cold, but it's quite a comfortable time for tourist trips around the uk. the weather in the uk in spring and summer is usually cool, with frequent but short rains.

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