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Нужно вставить нужные слова в текст : modern technology has brought about big improvements in communications, yet many people are worried (1) using the lates computer technology. i'm ofter (2) to meet people who still don't know what the "e" in e-mail stands for and they are too (3) to ask. they thing one has to be skilled (4) __ computers to sen a message by e-mail but in fact, it is (5) __ thing in the world. it is also (6) __ to send an e-mail message (7) __ to send a "snail" message, which takes ( longer. an e-mail message is only ( more expensive than a local telephone call : on top of the call itself, you also have to pay a fee to your "server". if you send a letter ( mail it will take two days to get there whereas an e-mail will not take ( than a few seconds. when you become ( to using the system you will be ( at how much more ( it is than other means of communication. of course, before you have an access to e-mail you will need a fairly ( compute, which be quite expensive. слова : 1) a. a for b. about c. at d. with as 2) a. surprising b. irritating c. surprised d. irritated 3) a. embrrassing b. embrasses c. tired d. tiring 4) a. about b. into c to d in 5) a. simplest b. the more simple c. simpler d. the simplest 6) a. cheaper b. more cheaper c. cheapest d. the cheaper 7) a. as b. than c. that d. from 8) a. moch b. more c. as d. lot 9) a. little b. slightly c. less d. least 10) a. second-hand b. low-paid c. part-time d. first-class 11) a. more long b. longest c. as long d. longer 12) a. capable b. accustomed c. clever d. good

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Modern technology has brought about big improvements in communications, yet many people are worried (1) _b. about__ using the lates computer technology. i'm often (2) _c. surprised__ to meet people who still don't know what the "e" in e-mail stands for and they are too (3) _embrassed__ to ask. they think one has to be skilled (4)  d in  __ computers to send a message by  e-mail but in fact, it is (5)  d. the simplest  __ thing in the world. it is also (6)  a. cheaper__ to  send an e-mail message (7)  b. than  __ to send a "snail"  message,  which takes (8)_a. much__ longer. an e-mail message is only (9)b. slightly__ more expensive than a local telephone call : on top of the call itself, you also have to pay a fee to your "server". if you send a letter (10)_ d. first-class  _ mail it will take two days to get there whereas an e-mail will not take (11)_ d. longer  _ than a few seconds. when you become (12)_   b. accustomed  _ to using the system you will be  


1 my friend lived in Astrakhan 2 years ago

2 Bob did well at school yersterday

3 Nick had a modern car last week

4 She adviced me to read much some days ago

5 My sister was good at English 3 years ago (но если я не ошибаюсь , то должно быть in English)

6 My brother often cleaned our flat last year

7 We defined the ship`s position last week

8 My mother kept house long ago. she was a housewife

9 9 I often saw Helen in the club last month

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