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Сделайте сколько сможете ! task 1. fill the gaps in the text with the best variant (7 points). hannah and mark were 1… . they were ten years old and they were in the same class at their 2… . a few weeks ago, their english teacher said to 3…, ‘i haven’t given you any homework for two weeks. now this week, write a composition about “our cat”, and give it to me next monday. have you all got a 4… at home? ’ ‘yes, miss jones,’ all of them answered. all the 5… did the composition, and they gave it to the teacher on 6… . the teacher read all the compositions and then she gave them back to the pupils on tuesday. ‘hannah’, she said, ‘your composition is the same as your brother’s.’ ‘yes,’ answered hannah quickly. ‘because it’s the cat! ’ 1 a brothers b twins c cousins 2 a school b shop c prison 3 a the parents b the workers c the children 4 a dog b aardvark c cat 5 a boys b people c pupils 6 a monday b tuesday c sunday 7 a some b same c seem task 2. match the author with his character (10 points). 1. mark twain 2. alan alexander milne 3. lewis carroll 4. arthur conan doyle 5. agatha christie 6. charles dickens 7. daniel defoe 8. joseph rudyard kipling 9. jonathan swift 10. walter scott a. hercule poirot b. robinson crusoe c. ivanhoe d. gulliver e. mowgli f. huckleberry finn g. david copperfield h. winnie the pooh i. alice j. sherlock holmes ii. vocabulary and grammar tasks task 3. restore the words and try to guess which breakfast belongs to mr. healthy and which one to mr. unhealthy (10 points). breakfast 1 c _ r _ _ l, fr _ _ t j_ _ c _, y_ gh _ rt, an _ ppl _. breakfast 2 fr _ _ d _ggs, b _ c _ n, s _ _ s _ g _ s, b _ _ ns, c _ ff _ _ with s _ g _ r. task 4. choose the right meaning for each english idiom (5 points). 1. my exam was a piece of cake! 2. it is really not my cup of tea. 3. i slept like a log. 4. i feel like a fish out of water. 5. robert is the teacher`s pet. a. to feel out of place. b. to be a baker now. c. to sleep very badly. d. my cup is a blue one. e. to dislike something. f. to have no fresh air. g. to sleep really well. h. the teacher`s favourite pupil. i. something is very easy. j. robert is a cat. task 5. all the answers in this task are jobs and professions (10 points). 1. he helps you when you have toothache (7 letters). 2. he works in a school and gives you homework (7). 3. he flies a plane (5). 4. she looks after patients in a hospital (5). 5. he designs machines, roads, bridges (8). 6. he is a painter, musician, actor or sculptor (6). 7. he hasn`t started working yet, and is at university/college (7). 8. he examines you when you are ill (6). 9. he prepares and sells meat (7). 10. he serves food in a restaurant (6). task 6. choose the correct adjective and then form a comparison (8 points). example: russia is (big/small) than the united states. bigger 1. the nile is (long/short) than the amazon. 2. the pacific ocean is (deep/shallow) than the atlantic. 3. great britain is a (large/small) island than greenland. 4. china has a (long/short) border than russia. 5. new york has (short/ tall) buildings than washington. 6. tokyo is a (little/much) populated city than calcutta. 7. sydney is (close to/far from) london than mexico city. 8. k2 is (high/low) than everest. task 7. choose the right variant (10 points). 1. the news so pleasant, that she couldn't help smiling. a) is b) was c) are d) were 2. what awful weather we're having today. a) — b) a c) an d) the 3. their house is to the school. a) near b) nearly c) close d) closely 4. he is not in politics. a) interest b) interests c) interesting d) interested 5. my sister enjoys a) dance b) to dance c) dancing d) danced 6. does she look like? — she's young and pretty. a) what b) who c) how d) how old 7. he is very honest, he never tells lie. a) — b) a c) an d) the 8. there was an interesting film on tv yesterday, ? a) was there b) was it c) wasn't there d) wasn't it 9. i can speak french. — so . a) i can b) can i c) i can't d) can't i 10. are you working? a) yet b) just c) else d) still iii. writing tasks task 8. «welcome to …! ». lots of people prefer to travel and have a rest abroad. but we should not forget about our mother country which is full of magnificent places, modern cities, beautiful towns and lovely villages one hasn’t seen yet. make an advertisement which proves that the place of your living is worth visiting. both your skills of english and creativity will be taken into account (20 points). task 9. now we are waiting for your own task. supply it with keys. if it is interesting and unusual we will use it in our next contest. don’t also forget to comment your work.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1  b twins 2 a school 3 c the children 4 c cat 5 c pupils 6 a monday  7 b same

2- i wish i had gone to london. 3- i wish i hadn't failed the examination. 4- i wish i hadn't been very rude to her yesterday. 5- i wish i had played games at school. 6- i wish i hadn't had to wear a unitorm to school. 7- i wish i hadn't chosen the wrong job. 8- i wish i had set the alarm. 9- i wish i had gone off. 10- i wish i hadn't arrived late. 11- i wish i could concentrate on my work. 12- i wish i didn't feel terrible. 13- i wish i understood everything. 14- i wish i weren't bored.

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