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Re-write the sentences. use the passive and by + agent if necessary. 0 george lucas made star wars. star wars was made by george lucas. 1 they speak three languages in switzerland. 2 thieves once stole the fifa world cup. 3 alexander fleming discovered penicillin. 4 about 1,500 people have climbed everest. 5 they award the nobel peace prize every year. 6 they have discovered water on mars.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1three languages  are spoken in switzerland.  2 the fifa world cup was stolen by thieves.  3 penicillin was  discovered by  alexander fleming.  4 everest has been climbed by about 1,500 people.  5 the nobel peace prize is awarded  every year.  6 water on mars has been  discovered.

Попробую: у нас в школе зимние каникулы начались с 27 декабря , а закончились 9 января.на каникулах, я равлекался так: каьался на тюбинге,играл в игры,гулял , друзьями и тому подобное.большую часть я проволил их дома, а иногда выходил на улицу.у меня много впечатлений от именно а зимних каникул.мне понравилось , потому что было весело.: in our school, the winter holidays began on december 27, and ended on january 9. on holidays, i was liking this way: i gave up on tubing, played games, walked, had friends, and the like. most of them stayed at home and sometimes went out . i have a lot of impressions from the winter holidays. i really liked it, because it was a lot of fun.!

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