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Переведите на я в 7 классе эту : я и даша играли в крокет. после игры мы решили попить чай с конфетами и вдруг обнаружили , что конфеты пропали. мы решили провести расследование. наши друзья макс , ира , лена. в то время как конфеты пропали макс играл в теннис. ира ездила в гости к бабушке.лена готовила пироги с бабушкой.как же так? у всех есть алиби . но мы вспомнили что моя собака плюшка не была с нами в то время когда мы играли в крокет. мы пришли к будке плюшке и увидели пустую коробку от конфет.оказалось конфеты украла моя собака плюшка

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Ответы на вопрос:

Sasha and i played croquet. after the game, we decided to have tea with sweets and suddenly found that sweets are gone. we decided to investigate. our friends max, ira, lena. while the candy disappeared max played tennis. ira went to visit babushke.lena cooked pies babushkoy.kak so? everyone has an alibi. but we remembered that my dog bun was not with us at the time when we played croquet. we came to the booth bun and saw an empty box of chocolates konfet.okazalos stole my dog bun.

1we weren't happy with the hotel. our room was very small and it wasn't very clean. 2 george wasn't at work last week because he was ill. he's better now. 3 yesterday was a public holiday so the shops were closed. they're open today. 4 ‘were sue and bill at the party? ' 'sue was there but bill wasn't’. 5 'where are my keys? ' 'i don't know. they were on the table but they're not there now.' 6 you weren't at home last night. where were you?

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