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Явстаю в 6 часов 30 минут я лежу 15 минут еду к маме в 6 45 мама меня причесывает в семь часов я встаю пью кофе в 07: 05я умываюсь и чищу зубы 0 7: 10 я одеваюсь и смотрю телевизор да 07 30 в 07 30 мы выезжаем в школу в 1245 меня заканчиваются занятия в школе в 13 30 я приезжаю домой я отдыхаю полчаса потом я маме гуляю на улице с друзьями а в 15 30 я сажусь делать уроки сделай уроки эссе я буду смотреть телевизор а в 22 00 я ложусь спать

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Iget up at 6: 30. i lie in bed for 15 minutes. go to my mother at 6: 45. mom i combs me. at seven o'clock i get up, drink coffee. at 07: 05 i wash my face and brush my teeth. at 7: 10 i dress and watch tv until 07: 30. at 7: 30 we go to school. at 12: 45 my school ends. at 13: 30 i come home. i rest for half an hour. then i help my mother and i walk  with my friends. at 15: 30 i sit down to do my homework. aving done my lessons and essays i  watch tv, and at 22: 00 i go to bed.

I think this phrase has some meaning.The author treats negative people as people without any purpose, they have no reason to help and respect other people.There are bad people who can't be considered a "real" person.They have no humanity, no bitterness, no conscience.You can't be like that, you have to treat someone with understanding and respect.

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