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Нужно написать сочинение по ,слов 80-90 о новой школе, вот вопросы на какие нужно раскрыть в тексте: have you made any friends in your new school? do you enjoy studying there? have you got any new subjects this year?

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Ответы на вопрос:

new school really plays an important role in our life. you may like it or you may not but we spend so much time at school that it becomes our second home. and no doubt this is true. what is the role of school in modern age? first of all it is making students literate. all students study for eleven years to get knowledge. and the most important role of school is giving knowledge. there are students who like studying because they are doing well in most subjects and they are going to continue their education after school, get higher education. but for those who are not successful in schooling and who are always pressed by their parents and teachers school becomes boring and not interesting.

the education given at  our school  is of a very high standard. i'm a good student actually and i don't have many problems with schooling. i generally get on quite well with the teachers. i am quite successful in class and i usually go to school with pleasure, because i like my school and my teachers.

i think school gives me not only knowledge. children are taught real life there.  school  helps us understand our life better. school is a place where we create and develop our relationships, are taught to be tolerant and respect one another. and school teaches us principles and how not to lose face in difficult situations.

at my new school the whole "sea" friends! i glad that i moved here , where i like to learn , i feel at home - it's u i then takiezhe lessons as in the previous school . there i've fought and i am humiliated everything is 100 per cent of the otherwise ! i'm here at home and i have nothing to be afraid of , i like fungus under his hat! my the answer to all questions - this school ,


в новой школе у меня целое "море" друзей! я рад , что всётаки переехал сюда , где мне нравиться учиться , я чувствую себя как дома - это чистая правда! у меня тут такиеже уроки как и в прошлой школе . там я много дрался и меня унижали  тут всё на 100 процентов иначе ! я тут как дома и мне нечего бояться , я как грибок под его шляпкой! мой ответ на все вопросы - эта школа ,



если не нравиться , я

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