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Письмо деду морозу с пожеланиями для менее 150

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Ответы на вопрос:

, на же надо, да?

  dear ded moroz, thank your for my new year presents, i really enjoyed them. i am writing you to let you know, that i have finally understood how much i love my school. i think that my school is the best all over the world, and i want it to become better and better. i want my teachers to get more money for their working, because they worth it, want my classmates to become cleverer, although they all are bright, want our classrooms to become more comfortable aand so on. i hope you will help our school in everything, thank you. with best wishes твое имя.

здрасти дед мороз. сначала я тебя поздравляю с новым годом и прошу тебя чтобы ты дал счастья и здоровья моим учителям и однокласникам.чтобы наш класс вообще наша школа была лучшей школой в нашей стране в нашем городе.чтобы хорошо участвовали в соревнованиях с другими школами.с наилучшими

He is sent to   london by them. the way   was showed by boy.  the roof of the house will be painted by him. the fence was whitewashed by tom the stories are told to the children by mother. 

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