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Нужно перевести на . используя past simple and present perfect tense. -я закончила письмо. взгляни на него . -когда ты окончила работу? -я еще ее не окончила. -ты поговорил уже с мэри об этом? -да, я поговорил с ней вчера. поли сильно порезала палец. моя тетушка побывала во многих странах. в прошлом году она ездила в китай. вы уже съели пирог? вы нашли что-нибудь почитать? мы получили много денег. аня уже вымыла голову. папа уже прочитал эту газету.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ifinished the letter. look at it please. - when you ended work? - i still didn't end it. - you talked already to mary about it? - yes, i talked to it yesterday. pauly strongly cut a finger. my aunt visited many countries. last year it went to china. you already ate pie? you found something to read? we received a lot of money. ania already washed up the head. the father already read this newspaper.

1) where was bauman? 2) what did bauman read while sitting in line at the dentist? 3) what interrupted bauman from reflection? 4) who came to the dentist with a terrible toothache? 5) what did the spy say when he wanted to go to the dentist's office? 6) how many teeth did a dentist take from a spy? 7) why did the spy remove two teeth? 8) what did the dentist say by removing his teeth to a spy? 9) how long did the spy sit at the dentist? 10) do real patients sit at the dentist?

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