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)буду признателен! 5) исправьте ошибки: 1. he has not to do it. 2. she should to do it. 3. she need not to come. 4. he will can come tomorrow. 5. this test should do during 30 minutes. 6. she asked that he was doing. 7. she told me to do not worry. 8. he promised that he should do it next day. 9. him was given a task yesterday. 10. they are been examined at the end of every semester.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he doesn't have  to do it. 2. she should do it. 3. she needn't come. 4. he will be able to come tomorrow. 5. this test should be done during 30 minutes. 6. she asked what he was doing. 7. she told me not  to worry. 8. he promised that he would do it next day. 9. he was given a task yesterday. 10. they are examined at the end of every semester.

C) a grasshopper lived in the green grass near a high hill. g) he didn't work and he didn't think about food. a) the grasshopper saw an ant.  d) he had a big sack on his back. h) ''why are you working on such a lovely day? '' f) ''i am collecting food for winter'' i) ''if you do not work in summer, you have no food in winter.'' b) the grasshopper didn't like idea. e) soon winter came.

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