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Перепиши данные предложения в пассивном залоге. 1.they deliver the post every day. 2.birds eat seends. 3.a storm destroyed three houses in the neighbourhood. 4.they built the school in 1956. 5.does she cook dinner every night ? 6.did nicky wash the dishes? 7.ben didn't steal johnny's bag. 8.they found the missing painting. 9.fiona takes the dog for a walk every day.

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Ответы на вопрос:

the post are delivered every day. seends are eaten by birds. threehouses were destroyed with a storm in the neighbourhood. the school was built in 1956. is the dinner cooked every night? were dishes washed by nick? johnny's bag wasn't stolen by ben. the missing painting was found by them. the dog is taken by fiona for a walk every day

  the post is  delivered  by them  every day.

seends are eaten by bird

three houses   were  destroyed with a storm  in the neighbourhood

the school was    built     in 1956.by them

is  dinner  cooked every night by her?

were    the dishes  washed by nick?

johnny's bag was not   stolen by ben


the missing painting was found by them.

the dog is  taken    .by fiona  for a walk  every day

Россия,это великая страна. она занимает 1-е место по площади. страна находится в 2-х частях света,европе и азии. разделяют их уральские горы. климат страны-умеренный преобладает тёплое лето и тёплая зима, в сибири,зимой суровее чем в столице, москве. жители города работают в крупных компаниях,а жители сел и деревень занимаются выращиванием мяса и зерна! про россию можно много написать,это же твоя страна, как про неё можно ничего не

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