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Перевести, . both serious and popular newspapers can be further divided into daily or weekly ( depending on how often they are published), morning or evening ( depending on when they are published) and local , national, or, in a very few cases, international ( depending on the area over which they are sold). заранее

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Оба серьезные и популярные издания можно разделить на ежедневное или еженедельное ( в зависимости от того, как часто они публикуются), утро или вечер ( в зависимости от того, когда они опубликованы) и местных , национальных, или, в редких случаях, международных ( в зависимости от площади, по которой они ).

In our era, a computer occupies a certain place in a person's life. someone uses a computer for games, some for training, some like to sit on the internet. but all these computers have a common structure and principles of functioning, and, accordingly, the history of development. the evolutionary process that led to modern computers has been and continues to be extremely fast and dynamic. scientists deduced even the regularity that the frequency of processors doubles every 18 months! in the first half of the xix century. english mathematician charles babbage tried to build a universal computing device, that is, a computer

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