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Перевидите this is my dad.heis the head of the family.he is a computer programmer.he is brave,strong,athletic and friendly.he likes travelling and doing outdoor activities. mum works in the science museum in london. she is a guide.she likes to be well-dressed.her favourite colours are green and light blue.she is very kind and loving. she likes reading,cooking and spending her free time with me and my little sister ann. ann is five years old . she is curious and talkative . usually she is obedient but sometimes she's a little naughty. she likes butterflies and everything that is pink and purple. paul is my uncle . he is my father's brother . he is a taxi driver. he is very smart and intelligent. he doesn't like formal clothes at all. he prefers to wear jeans, pullovers and trainers. he enjoys life with his beautiful wife , amy, and their cute puppy sadie.

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Это мой папа.он глава семьи.он программист.он смелый.сильный,спортивный и дружелюбный.он любит путешествовать и мероприятия на свежем воздухе.мама работает в научном музее в лондоне.она гид(работает гидом,экскурсоводом).она любит хорошо выглядеть.ее любимые цвета зеленый и светло голубой.она добрая и любящая(нежная).она любит читать,готовить и проводить свое свободное время со мною и с моей младшей сестрой ann.ann 5 лет.она любознательная и разговорчивая.обычно она послушная,но иногда немножко капризная.она любит бабочек и все что розовое и фиолетовое.paul мой дядя.он брат моего папы.он таксист.он умный и интеллигентный.он вовсе  не любит официальной одежды. он предпочитает одевать джинсы,пуловеры и (забыла как переводится)   .он наслаждается жизнью со своей прекрасной женой amy и милым щенком sadie.

Red square is the main square of the Russian capital . It is popular not only among visitors to the city, but also loved by muscovites themselves. It is located in the center of Moscow, on the left Bank of the river, near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Those who came to Red square can see with their own eyes the main symbols of the Russian state, which everyone remembers from the pages of school textbooks. Car traffic has been banned here since the mid-1960s. The spacious space is paved with stone paving stones and is a pedestrian zone.

The reason why there was a large area near the Kremlin, was a strong fire. This happened during the reign of John III.

The buildings and temples surrounding the square were built and remodeled for several centuries, until a rare architectural ensemble was formed. Since 1990, the ancient square and the buildings around it are protected by UNESCO as one of the world heritage sites.

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