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Придумайте по 2 предложения present simple,past simple,past continuous,present continuous ,future simple

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The more olga goes into it the more obscure the problem seems. – чем дальше ольга продвигается, тем запутанней кажется проблема  jill doesn’t haму enough money to move to another town. – у джилл нет достаточной суммы денег, чтобы переехать в другой город i went to the cinema yesterday -  вчера я ходил в кино.   my mum didn’t let me go to the party -  мама не разрешила мне пойти на вечеринку.i  was reading   a magazine during 2 hours. – я читал газету 2 часа.when she came home i  was making   some tea. когда она пришла домой, я заваривал чай.(процесс)we are working with brian at the moment, recording a new album. — мы сейчас работаем с брайном, записываем новый альбом. the kettle is boling. can you turn it off? — чайник закипает. ты не мог бы его выключить? i will come back next friday. — я вернусь в следующую пятницу. they will visit this beach a few times. — они будут на этом пляже несколько раз.gulls live on beaches, river, near the sea.some penguins live in very cold places.

The school play dressing up   "look at this,"- said tom.   "what is it? "- said holly.   "it’s my coat. do you like it? "- said tom.   "yes, i like your coat,"- said holly. "look at my blue shoes.   do you like them? "- tom said.   "yes, i like your blue shoes. look at my dress.   do you like it? "- said holly.   "yes, i like your dress," - said tom.   "look at my green shoes.   do you like them? "- said holly.   "yes, i like your green shoes,"- said tom.   "look at this,"- said tom.   "what is it? "- said holly.   "i’m a king. it’s my crown.   do you like it? "- said tom.   "yes, i like it,"- said holly.   "i’m a queen. do you like my crown? ",- said holly.   "yes, i like it,"- said tom.   "look, holly. you have got my blue shoes.   can i have them? "- said tom.   "yes, you can,"- said holly.   "can i have my green shoes? "- said holly.   "yes, you can,"- said tom. перевести надо?

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