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Откройте скобки, используя глагол в present simple, present continuous, past simple, will or be going to. my cousin`s name (be) sylvie dupont. she (live) in paris and (work) in a café in the centre of the city. at the moment her best friend from england (stay) with her. she (enjoy) her holiday very much. they (visit) museums together. next week they (see) a film and then they (have) dinner at an expensive restaurant. last tuesday they (go) to a disco with some friends of theirs. they (not/ come) home until very late. sylvie (be) so tired at work that she (spill) some coffee all over a customer. she doesn`t think she (see) him at the café again! in future she (not/ stay) out so late and she (be) more careful while she is serving customers.

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Is / lives/works/ is staying/ enloyes/visit/ will see/ have/went/didn`t come/ was/ spilled/ will see/won`t stay/ will be

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