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"if i were a "(если бы я был меллионером) составить сочинение( хотя бы на ( а то фантазии не хватает(

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Ответы на вопрос:

If i would be a millionaire that i at first helped orphans. i would buy them toys, clothes, books and food. then i would like to help poor people. then i will help schools and gardens having made by it updating. and then i will build schools and gardens. (если бы я была бы меллионером то я сначало сиротам. я бы купила им игрушки, одежду, книг и еды. потом я бы хотела бедным людям. потом я школам и садикам сделав им обновление. а потом я буду строить школы и садики.)

1 i haven`t seen the for a long time 

2 how often do you go to the cinema?

3 they are going to the shop now

4 he was ill last week. and how does he feel now?

5 have they called you yet?

6 i  haven't seen ann today. (не уверен, может didn`t)

7 we are listenштп to music now

8 when do you usually come home after school?

9 i don`t remember this word. and do you remember?

10 they will come to us next month.


как то так

Популярно: Английский язык