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Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в соответствующую видовременную форму: iv. 1.everyone (tell) not to leave litter in the forest. 2.last saturday the game (play) well. 3.vey often voluntaries (ask) to support the disabled. 4. the war veterans’ stories (listen) always attentively. 5.last year easter (celebrate) in the beginning of april. 6.cadbuy chocolate (love) by all childen. ==================================

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. is told 2. was played 3. are asked 4. are always listened 5. was celebrated 6. is loved

is winnie fat? - yes, he is. ('he' сочетается с is)

we are in the park. (we сочестается с are) 

are crocodiles long? ("крокодилы" - это "они"- "they" - сочетается с are)

her shirt is not dirty. ("юбка" - это "она" - "it" - сочетается с is) 

i am not big. (местоимение "i" используем с am)


Популярно: Английский язык