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Whose party was it ? why did she have a party ? what sort of party was it? was there a theme? where was the party? how many people were there? how many people did you know ? what did eat and drink? what was the music like? did you dance? did you stay until the end?

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It was jessica's party. no there wasn't any themes? surprisingly it was near my house. there were around 15-16 people. i knew only 11 of them. we ate some burgers and pizza, as for a drink we had coke. music was pop and rock also we heard a lot of michael jackson. no, i'm not a very good dancer. yes it was quite fun so me and 7 of my friends stayed until the end.

Составьте предложения с глаголами " быть, использовать, иметь, изобретать’. 1) Турция 8000 лет назад/люди/каменные зеркала 2) Там/металлические зеркала/Китай 4000 лет назад 3) 1835 год/Юстус фон Либих, немецкий химик/современное зеркало 4) Современные стеклянные зеркала/серебро/задняя часть

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