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Моя школа состоит из 3 этажей. на первом этаже столовая, медпункт, большой и маленький спортзалы. на втором этаже актовый зал, старшое и младшее звено, учительская. на третьем этаже наш кабинет, и кабинет завуча средней школы. мой класс дружный. на переменах некоторые девочки играют в догонялки, а мальчики играют на телефонах в разные игры. мне попались хорошие учителя. только без г у г л переводчика

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My school consists of 3 floors.on the ground floor are  dining room, medical center, large and small gyms.on the first  floor are  assembly hall, senior and junior level, taking intomer.on the second floor are our class, and the office head teacher of high school.my class is very friendly.at recess some girls play catch-up, and the boys play on the phone in different games.i have got a very good teacher.

Ialways liked to play tricks on classmates.i would say that the teacher was ill and the lesson is not,stealing other people's work and passed off their.but one day i got sick in class,i choked.everyone laughed at me and didn't believe me.i went to the hospital.and since then i have learned that lying is bad .

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