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1. rewrite the verbs using short forms. she will not go. 't 1)he will live a long time. - 2) it will rain tomorrow. - 3) he will not get a job - 4) they will have children one day - 5) peter will not grow up! - 2. emma is talking to the fortune teller. write sentences with will or won't. lear to drive she won't lear to drive. 1 go to university ……….……… 2. get a good job ..…,……..………… 3. fall in love (+) …..……..…..……… 4. get married. (+) ………………

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Ответы на вопрос:

#1 1) he'll live a long time. 2) it'll rain tomorrow. 3) he won't get a job. 4) they'll have children one day. 5) peter won't grow up! #2. 1 she won't go to university 2. she won't get a good job 3. she will fall in love (+) 4. she will get married. (+)

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